It is expected that in order to comply with statutory and land
nutrient management requirements that biannual sampling of the
land will be required where sludge and slurry waste applications
licences are operated.
GREENPLAN LIMITED will have a capacity to sample up to
one hundred samples per day. Depending on the topography and
general soil variations this could be based on a sampling grid
of : -
1 -4 hectares per sample
The GREENPLAN LIMITED service will be of particular use to slurry
contractors and large tillage farmers where precise nutrient
parameters need to be established and confirmed and if necessary
rechecked in future years.
GREENPLAN LIMITED will offer a checking service for County
Councils and statutory bodies to determine the levels of nutrients
accumulating in the soil as a result of slurry spreading permits
can be secured rapidly.
Very detailed information can be supplied and usefully applied
arising from the GPS sampling by GREENPLAN LIMITED and
will be of particular use for the larger contractor, farmer and
statutory bodies.
GREENPLAN LIMITED would envisage that a price structure
per sample taken would vary with the number of samples to be
processed and field unit size.